For detecting and counting traffic Priess solar has delivered 12 model Flatpanel solar poles

Priess Solar A/S has delivered 12 model Flatpanel solar poles for supplying power to optical sensors (camera) for detecting and counting traffic in Austria.

The delivery was made in cooperation with the Austrian company Swarm analytics GmbH, who specializes in traffic analyzing via optical sensors, to ensure a smarter traffic flow and parking availability.

Installation adress

12 different locations in Austria


Swarm analytics GmbH


The pole is a 6m high steel pole with 200Wp solar installed at the top. Power, I stored in a 200Ah (2400Wh) battery bank in a ground box next to the pre-casted foundation. A 12V source is supplied to the HUB-box mounted behind the solar panel to power data transition and sensor.

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